Sunday, May 18, 2008

Aswan, Egypt - Back in the Land of Pharaohs

Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel... Two copies of Ramses II staring off into Nubia... Scared off them Nubians for centuries...

More statues of Ramses II at Abu Simbel. One lies in ruins...too bad.

Been here for a day now. The ferry docked at 10 AM yesterday. They didn't let us off till about 2 PM. Massive delays due to immigration/passport checks. That was about an unwelcoming welcome I've ever had anywhere. Knowing how tempers flare in such situations, we were lucky there weren't a fist fight or two during the wait. Anyway, we were relieved once we stepped into the hot Egyptian sun, finally.

From the ferry terminal it was a 12 LE taxi ride into Aswan marking the end to a crazy 3 day odyssey. It was a remarkable time shared with a lot of new friends. At the terminal, I bid farewell to Mahmoud and his family (the family that I shared a 2nd class compartment with way back in Khartoum). They took a connecting train to Cairo that very night. I thought I had it rough.

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Map marks the Maruwa Hotel in downtown Aswan. Not only close to the railroad station (less than 100 metres to the northeast), it's cheap (8 LE for a dorm bed, PLUS air conditioning!!!). You'll need the A/C, daytime temps were in the upper 30's to 40's when I was there.

Out of Canuckistan: A travel blog, May 18/07
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