Sunday, May 04, 2008

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Rollin' the dice...

Boy #1 - the guide, Harar, Ethiopia...

Certainly a good news/bad news kind of day.

Good news: Finally got the Sudanese visa. As an added bonus it has a period of validity of one month and 2 full weeks of transit time. That makes Thursday the perfect day to arrive at the border. Can't see myself spending another 6 days in Ethiopia though. I have to be aware that my Egyptian via expires on the 26th of May. Perhaps I should go to Gambella for a few days?

Bad news: Still haven't located the Bahar Dir minibus station. The tourist office wasn't aware that it existed and suggested it might be located around Habte Gyorgis Bridge (like the guidebook said). May as well check out the Autobes Terra (main bus station) too while I'm at it. The longer I chase after this, what seems to be mythical, Bahar Dir minibus the more skeptical I get...

Out of Canuckistan: A travel blog, May 4/07
Buy Bubba a Beer Now!

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