Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Kigoma, Tanzania

Finally reached the port city of Kigoma after 4 days. [the geek inside me yells out S04 52.407 E29 37.898]. I need some zzzz's. Sometimes it's difficult to understand how exactly taxed your body is until a long stretch of travel comes to and end...

...Oguda, my roomie on the Liemba is quite the man about town. He had his car stowed down by the docks and was nice enough to drive me about town to find accommodation. Good thing he did. Kigoma is set amongst the hills and seems to go on for ever. Reminds me of the urban sprawl of Calgary.

I'm staying in a really nice, safe spot called St. Martha's Hostel run by the Kigoma Catholic Diocese. I've never stayed in a nunnery before but just my luck, eh?

I bought Oguda dinner at the Sun City Restaurant. Nice chicken dishes. Quite a few ex-pats dining as well. Kigoma seems to be NGO central. None of the ex-pats seem to want to interact. What's wrong? I'm a fellow white guy, eh? Anyways, so much for payin' for dinner. I forgot my cash back at the hostel. Oguda had to pay. So much for being a fat cat mzungu. We went back to the hostel. I paid him back plus a little bit for showing me around. I sensed be wanted more then I gave him. I didn't what to do...as usual.

for January 23, click here...
for January 24, click here...

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