Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bounty of the Harvest 2010, Part 1 - The Garlic.

We had a pretty good haul of garlic out of the garden this year.

Like the size of those bulbs.

Harvested so much, I'm sure there's enough garlic to last till next spring...

Little Known Garlic Facts...

China, by far, produces the most garlic in the world (77 percent of world output or 12 million tonnes per year).

Garlic juice can be used as an adhesive for repairing china or glass.

Garlic is mentioned in the bible and talmud...

Dating tip: halitosis caused by consumption of garlic can be neutralized by simultaneous drinking of milk...

Nearly all cultivation of garlic is by asexual propagation (planting of cloves)...

Source: Wikipedia.


jason said...

you didn't mention vampires!?

bubba said...

you're right... how could i forget that?