Monday, March 21, 2005

less is more...

blah... can one feel listless and restless at the same time...

i must be typing through the lariam...

moving on to more disturbing news. america is an amazing place. if there's an inkling of controversy, you can pretty much guarantee the convergence of packs of placard carrying protestors.

case in point, the case of terri schiavo. it's all over the news but to recap briefly, ms schiavo suffered severe brain damage due to heart failure in 1990. she's described as being in a "presistent" vegetative state.

her husband, her legal guardian, wishes to "pull the plug" on ms. schiavo. her parents want to prolong her life by maintaining life support systems.

this is truly a tragic story.

but i don't want to hear about it. i believe it's a deeply private and personal decision. it's none of our business really.

however, the case is before the florida courts. in america, that's a natural progression i guess. but what is really gruesome is the recent intrusion of george w. bush and his band of pseudo-christian zealots in this case. their intentions are dubious at best. is it a display of altruism or is it another attempt at garnering the support of the religious right. remember there are congressional elections in 2006.

so, unfortunately, ms. schiavo has become a political martyr for george w. bush and his henchmen in the republican party.

my advice, george dubya? just let it go... less government in our lives is good sometimes. remember? that's one of your biggest idears, eh...

i can't believe i just typed that...

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I'm with you for sure on this one. This is not something that should be on the news, in the courts, anywhere...

It's a tragic, tragic situation.