Thursday, December 02, 2004

muzak pick-me-up

so, you're having a bad day or need a muzakical interlude...

i suggest this muzakical treat:

click here.

now crank up the volume. enjoy.


parabolicant said...

hey Al, When are you going to reveal the secret to the grilled cheese? It's not like I've been constantly obssessing about it. Staring at it like a magic eye puzzle. Mathematically analyzing the waves in the toast. Comparing it to every major work of art I can think of. I'm just curious.

On another note, saw first to Eps of Amazing Race 6. What a bunch of useless twits. But so far my favs have to be: the hot mormons, Hellboy and Jonathan. What dorks. But damn if they don't make me feel better about myself.

I think the main reason I like Hellboy and Jonathan is their explosive personalities. It was great when hellboy drove his girlfriend to tears over sunglasses. I literally thought he would smash the windshield in anger.

bubba said...

hey mike:

yes, the racers this time around are twits. interesting that you like the explosive type A personalities. jonathan's a motherfucking idiot, eh? there's plenty of girlfriend/wife crying to come.

yes, i like the hot mormon chicks... as a collective, with the ultra-conservative inbred polygamists as an exception, mormon chicks are hot. they are the only missionaries i allow in the house. the rest are freaks.

don't wanna give away what happens in episodes 2 & 3, but it gets better. not necessarily the most skilled bunch, but their antics/behaviour are quite amusing... and that's ok.

with regards to the grilled cheese sandwich, stay tuned for a visual clue...